Prostate problems are increasingly common in the West, favored by a sedentary and often denatured life. So, they can be avoided.
Prostatitis: symptoms and diagnosis
Well-being is a diffuse concept to which each person gives their own meaning. This human faculty is born of an inner conviction and responsibility.
French researchers discover that a common bacterium in the environment produces a feeling of satiety and helps with weight loss. But more research is...
Outside of psychiatry, lithium is used in ampoules with minimal doses for various disorders. However, given the effects of its excess, it should not...
Prostate problems are increasingly common in the West, favored by a sedentary and often denatured life. So, they can be avoided.
Prostatitis: symptoms and diagnosis
Through trophotherapy you can improve and even eliminate the appearance of outbreaks: that is why food is important to relieve and cure this disease.