
“The immune power of breast milk is unique because it adapts to the needs of the baby at each feeding”

Nutritionist Elizabeth González is the author of "Mama Slow" (Aguilar), a nutrition guide for future mothers who want to take care of themselves and...

The keys to well-being according to traditional medicine, Buddhism, yoga and Zen tradition

Well-being is a diffuse concept to which each person gives their own meaning. This human faculty is born of an inner conviction and responsibility. The...

The 4 special nutrients your skin needs from the age of 50

The skin, reached a certain age, no longer regenerates in the same way as when it was younger, so you have to help it...

Tips & Tricks

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What is wood therapy: benefits and contraindications

Massages with different wooden objects begin to gain followers in our country. We explain what they consist of and what they are for. What is...

What home remedies help against an abscess

An abscess may present as a red, painful lump. This article reveals what the symptoms are, when an abscess can become dangerous, and what...

The keys to well-being according to traditional medicine, Buddhism, yoga and Zen tradition

Well-being is a diffuse concept to which each person gives their own meaning. This human faculty is born of an inner conviction and responsibility. The...

Taking a vitamin C supplement for cold isn’t always a good idea

Winter is just around the corner and with it the next wave of flus and colds. In the environment resonates the well-known advice: "if...

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Is it healthier to eat raw or cooked foods? This is the healthiest balance

Fruits, vegetables and virgin olive oil are the great champions of the raw and should be included daily and generously in the diet. But...

Questions and answers about personal hygiene in older people

Personal hygiene is a central part of the daily care of seniors in many families. However, this is often a difficult situation for people...

Tai Chi for Beginners: Keys and Easy Exercises

We review the bases of this ancestral practice and propose a sequence of exercises with which to begin the practice and learn to flow...

The easy test to know how you are physically fit (really)

Rate your coordination, flexibility, strength or endurance and receive personalized guidelines on the best exercises to develop your potential. 1. Coordination test 2. Flexibility test 3. Strength...

These 9 tips will help you lose weight during menopause

Due to the physiological changes that happen before and during menopause, it is not uncommon for women to gain a few pounds during this...

Training in the cold burns more calories

Training when temperatures are lower sets in motion a mechanism in the muscles that allows you to burn more calories. People who stop exercising outdoors when the...

Is vitamin B1 effective against migraine?

Migraine headaches are extremely distressing and difficult to treat. Vitamin B1 might reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines. Migraine is a neurological condition that...

A homemade and natural syrup that cleanses your lungs

It contains ingredients with beneficial properties for the respiratory organs and can be taken daily. Of course, not only the lungs benefit from this...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: symptoms and natural treatments

An enlarged prostate is common in men over forty years of age, although they do not notice symptoms until age fifty or later. Benign prostatic...

3 toxic fruits that look like blackberries and you can eat by mistake

At this time, it is common to find wild blackberries on the roads. Before picking them, we must make sure that they are really...
