Through trophotherapy you can improve and even eliminate the appearance of outbreaks: that is why food is important to relieve and cure this disease.
- Psoriasis: how is the dietary treatment
- Psoriasis: Foods that Make It Worse
- Psoriasis: foods that help
Psoriasis is an alteration of the organism that manifests itself through the skin. Specifically, it occurs in the form of areas of redness and dry plates of silver color that fall off, the result of inflammation and excessive growth of epidermal cells.
It is considered a chronic disease that evolves with outbreaks, sometimes alternating periods of tranquility with others of greater aggressiveness, usually associated with emotional conflicts or stressful situations.
Although its cause is not clear and only sometimes has a hereditary component, different factors related to dietary habits do seem to intervene in its appearance, which makes trophotherapy a good therapeutic resource.
It is known that, for example, an excess of poorly digested proteins generates a bacterial population that breaks them down into toxic amino acids (polyamines), which stimulate the speed of cell proliferation.
Other toxins that are produced or found in the intestine also increase cell growth, such as remains of bacteria or fungi (Candida albicans, for example) and immune complexes IgE or IgA (immunoglobulins).
Based on this knowledge, it is advisable to avoid:
- Dairy, refined sugar. It is advisable to remove them from the diet for a long time. foods such as meat, dairy, refined sugar, and alcohol.
- Meat, especially organ meats and pork meat, in addition to the fact that it can contribute to protein overfeeding, worsens the symptoms of psoriasis due to its content in arachidonic acid, with pro-inflammatory action.
- Alcohol. The state of the liver is very important for its blood purifying function, which eliminates these toxic substances. For this reason, the consumption of alcoholic beverages worsens the psoriasis: it adds more work to an already overloaded organ. The latter, also because its vasodilatory action of the skin increases the itching and redness of the affected areas.
- It has been seen that virgin oils of first cold pressing, such as olive oil, and especially those rich in vitamin E and omega-3 essential fatty acids of vegetable origin (flax, walnut, wheat germ …) or animal (mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardine …), reduce inflammation.
- Zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine and sulfur are minerals and trace elements that also slow down the inflammatory process and improve psoriasis. The sulfur amino acid cysteine inhibits rapid cell proliferation and protects and helps the liver in its purifying function.
- Fasting or cleansing cures based on fruits and raw salads, followed by a vegetarian diet, have given very good results in patients with psoriasis.
- The foods that should be promoted are vegetables and fruits, especially raw and especially those rich in beta-carotene or provitamin A, essential for proper functioning of the skin (carrots, apricots, oranges …); first cold pressing oils (for their vitamin E and omega-3); molasses or cane honey (for its richness in minerals and trace elements such as selenium and zinc) and cochayuyo algae (for its richness in iodine, magnesium and sulfur, and its high content of cysteine, depurative and hepatoprotective).