The easy test to know how you are physically fit (really)

Rate your coordination, flexibility, strength or endurance and receive personalized guidelines on the best exercises to develop your potential.
The easy test to know how you are physically fit (really)
  • 1. Coordination test
  • 2. Flexibility test
  • 3. Strength test
  • 4. Endurance test

General fitness has to do with four abilities: coordination, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Discovering personal capacity in each aspect serves to guide the activity and increase well-being.

In this article we propose four tests to detect weaknesses and strengths, as well as exercises for different levels of fitness and other tips to improve in each aspect.


Checkups may seem complicated only at first glance. The goal when answering the tests should not be to achieve the highest score. This is not an Olympic competition. They simply serve to get both those who are starting to get fit and those who already have an active life to get some useful tips.

The highest values do not seem to be achievable by anyone. But totally untrained people can achieve good results in a few months if they follow the recommended guidelines.

In any case, the important thing is not to achieve the highest figures, but to find a certain harmony, well-being and agreement with oneself, without being at the lowest levels.

To begin with, all you need is a pencil, a tape measure, a watch with a second hand, a double step of approximately 35 cm and if possible, a friend to write down the results.

It is important to stick to the established order.

Each section concludes with a score and an assessment for two age groups. At the end of each of the tests, an assessment is obtained and advice is offered on the appropriate exercises to enhance the most deficient aspects.

It is a good idea to keep these tests to redo them every so often (one or two months, depending on the intensity of the exercise performed). This way you can check the evolution and guide the practice of physical activity.


Maintaining balance on one leg indicates good coordination ability. The more positive the result, the better you know how to control the body and the more satisfied you feel about it. It is good for health and allows high sports performance.


You have to take off your shoes on a smooth, non-slippery surface and lift a leg without it coming into contact with the supporting leg.

For the duration of the exercise, your hands are effortlessly resting on your hips. It is given as good that position that is able to maintain itself without having to make compensatory movements to avoid losing balance.


Now it’s about seeing how the balance is compared to the five degrees explained below.

  1. You do not balance on one foot even by swinging or you are not able to maintain the position for five seconds.
  2. You are able to maintain balance for at least five seconds, even if you need to sway.
  3. The balance is maintained for at least ten seconds, even if it is by rocking at some point.
  4. You can maintain balance for at least five seconds with your eyes closed, even if it’s rocking.
  5. Balance is maintained for at least five seconds with eyes closed and arms stretched above the head, even if it is swaying.


  • Less than 45 years old
    • 1 and 2: 1
    • 3: 2
    • 4: 3
    • 5: 4
  • More than 45 years
    • 1: 1
    • 2: 2
    • 3: 3
    • 4 and 5: 4


  • 1 or 2 points means that you have obvious problems with balance, but do not worry too much, because they can still be solved with a specific workout. The exercises described below should be performed for four weeks and then move on to the variants.
  • 3 points is a sign that the balance is within acceptability, but it can be greatly improved. Those who have obtained this assessment should do two weeks of basic exercises and then the variant.
  • 4 points means that this coordination capacity has already been developed in an ideal way. It is not necessary to practice with the basic exercises, because you are already prepared for the variants.
  • Advice for all: good sports practices to enhance coordination are badmintoninline skatingball gymnasticsmini-trampoline and cyclingTaichi and chikung are also highly recommended disciplines.


It is recommended to perform each exercise or its variant three times a week between five and ten minutes.

  • Walk without moving from the site counting mentally and when reaching four lifts for a few seconds the foot that should advance at that moment. We must try to do it faster and faster.
    Variant: The same exercise but on a soft base, such as a large cushion or mattress.
  • Swing like a tightrope walker on a line on the ground (can be traced with duct tape). While walking on the line, you make a fuss with your arms, moving them back and forth, up and down.
  • Variant: Jump on one foot and advance on the ground line while shaking your arms. Change feet every minute.
  • Stand with your legs slightly open and the tips of your feet pointing a little outward. Stick your stomach, throw your shoulders back and down, while your head stays straightened and your gaze focused forward.
    In this position, make the weight fall on the left leg, trying to stay as upright as possible. Then you lift your right leg and arms, imagining that you are a puppet that moves your limbs slightly in all directions. The speed is increased little by little and the leg is changed.
    Variant: Perform the same exercise with your eyes closed. Open them only for a moment if you notice that you lose your balance.


The flexibility is mainly given by the elasticity of the muscles of the back of the legs and back.

If it is elastic enough, activities of daily living or sports practice are easier and more rewarding.


Sit on the floor with your back straight, legs together and straight and your arms stretched forward. The feet are kept at right angles.

Tilt your upper body forward slowly as much as possible.


It checks which position you are able to maintain without pain for five seconds and observes the distance between your fingers and toes.

  1. The distance between fingers and toes is more than a span.
  2. The distance is about one span.
  3. The distance equals the length of the index finger.
  4. The index finger touches the tips of the toes.
  5. The tips of the fingers are touched with the tips of the toes.
  6. The hands cover the toes along their entire length.


  • Under 45 years old:
    • 1 and 2: 1
    • 3: 2
    • 4: 3
    • 5: 4
    • 6: 5
  • Over 45 years:
    • 1: 1
    • 2: 2
    • 3: 3
    • 4: 4
    • 5 and 6: 5


  • 1 or 2 points indicate that there is a serious difficulty in preventing injuries, aging healthily and properly developing a sports practice. Much can be done to improve capacity. Those who have obtained this score must perform the basic exercises for four weeks and then do the variant.
  • 3 points is a good result, but there are possibilities to increase flexibility. Two weeks of basic exercises and moving to the variant are recommended.
  • 4 and 5 points show greater flexibility than average. The goal is not to rust and sports performance will be enhanced. Training can be started directly with the variant.
  • Advice for everyone: flexibility is worked on in almost all sports. Very good options are tennis, trampoline jumping, Swedish gymnastics or dance. Yoga, tai chi and chikung are disciplines that maximize flexibility. Before starting a session and at the end of it, the relevant stretches must be performed.


It is advisable to do them three times a week and repeat them in each session ten times.

  • Standing, the feet are separated at the distance of the hips. The left arm hangs relaxed along the body. The right arm is raised and brought above the head in the direction of the left shoulder as much as possible. The left arm is brought to the right at belly height as much as possible. You have to keep the tension for 20 seconds and relax. Then it is repeated to the other side.
    Variant: The stretching is intensified by flexing the trunk in the direction of the stretched arm and crossing one leg over the other.
  • Sit on the floor and flex your left knee. The right leg is stretched. The right hand is placed on the thigh and the left arm is flexed above the head. To gain stability, the chin is brought closer to the chest and the shoulders are dropped. The belly is pushed inward and the trunk and left arm are flexed in the direction of the right leg. The elbow of the right arm is then flexed and placed on the left knee. The stretch is maintained for 30 seconds. Then it is repeated by flexing the right knee.
    Variant: Place the right arm with the palm facing up on the ground or hold your foot with it.


A well-worked abdominal musculature is the typical sign of strength. This test gives an idea of how it is and if it fulfills its main tasks: to maintain the body position and stabilize the back.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet in contact with the ground. The arms rest next to the body and in contact with it. The fingers point to the feet.

A mark is made on the floor at the exact point where the fingers of the hands end. Then another signal is made 10 cm from the previous point and in the direction of the feet. Now you have to raise your head and shoulders until you are able to reach the second mark.

Then it returns to the initial position, but without letting the head rest on the floor and maintaining abdominal tension.

A full movement lasts about three seconds. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible.


  • Under 45 years old:
    • < 15:1
    • 16-19: 2
    • 20-24: 3
    • 25-29: 4
    • > 30:5
  • Over 45 years:
    • < 10:1
    • 11-15: 2
    • 16-19: 3
    • 20-24: 4
    • > 25:5


  • 1 and 2 points indicate that it is quite far from the typical model of strong athlete, but also from ordinary people. The abdominals are not minimally developed. It is recommended to do the basic exercises twice a week for a month. The goal is to gradually earn points in this test.
  • 3 points mean that you have abdominal strength within the population average. A little more training can bring many benefits, such as, for example, less back pain. It is advisable to perform the basic exercises once a week and twice the most complicated variants.
  • 4 and 5 points suggest that the musculature is well developed. At least you have to keep it that good. For this it is recommended to perform the variants three times a week.
  • General Council: Exercising with equipment in the gym favors the development of abdominal muscles. It also allows a training of areas that are not normally worked.


The guideline is to start with ten repetitions and increase them without haste until 20.

  1. You have to lie comfortably on the floor on your back, with your legs well stretched. The lumbar in contact with the floor and the heels tightly pressed against the mat or mat. The arms remain stretched out next to the trunk. The abdominals are tightened and the trunk is slightly lifted so that the hands are closer to the calves. The position is held for a few seconds and slowly returns to the initial posture. Variant: They cross their arms in front of and near the chest, so that they do not provide any help when it comes to getting up. That way all the effort is made by the abdominals, which is what it is all about.
  2. Lie face down, resting the tips of your toes on the floor, keeping your palms in contact with the ground and your head slightly elevated. The buttocks and belly are tightened while the right arm is stretched forward and the left arm is carried back (the back of the hand is oriented towards the lumbar). Do not raise the trunk too much, or bring your head back in a forced way.
    Variant: Perform the same exercise, but holding small weights (approximately 300 to 500 g) in your hands.
  3. You have to stand with your legs open at the distance of the hips. Each hand holds a light weight or a full water bottle. The knees are slightly bent. The muscles of the buttocks and belly are tightened while the back is kept upright. Gradually one arm is stretched out and raised until the hand is at eye level. It stays like this for a moment and then slowly goes down. It is repeated with the other arm. It is important to do the exercise very slowly.
    Variant: Holding a weight (weight or water bottle) with hands intertwined. Carry the weight forward and up.


The step test offers a starting point to evaluate endurance, an indispensable physical quality, especially for the practice of aerobic exercise, that is, the one that requires more effort to the heart and respiratory system than to the muscles.

It also gives clues about the functioning of metabolism.


  1. The first thing to do is to take your pulse. To do this, the beats in a wrist are counted for 30 seconds and the result is multiplied by two.
  2. Then you have to stand before a double step – about 35 cm high – to raise and lower it with one leg. After three minutes the leg is changed.
    The speed depends on body weight: people up to 60 kg can go up and down up to 30 times per minute; those from 61 to 80 kg, 25 times per minute; those of more than 80 kg. 20 times.
  3. After finishing the exercise, the pulse is measured again. From this second result the value of the pulse at rest is subtracted.


  • Under 45 years old:
    • >75:1
    • 70-74: 2
    • 60-69: 3
    • 55-59: 4
    • <54: 5
  • Over 45 years:
    • >65:1
    • 60-64: 2
    • 55-59: 3
    • 50-54: 4
    • <49: 5


  • 1 point indicates that the resistance is at the minimum. In this case, the proposed exercises should be performed twice a week for five minutes.
  • 2 and 3 points indicate a result that can be improved. It is recommended in that case a workout three times a week for ten minutes and then gradually increase the time.
  • 4 and 5 points mean that you enjoy a good to optimal resistance. Training should start with the variants and dedicate 20 to 30 minutes to them.
  • General advice: Jogging, cycling and swimming are recommended activities. It is also advisable to take measures to reduce sedentary lifestyle and incorporate some more movement into everyday life.


  • Take a walk at a light pace and occasionally take a few steps by tracing circles with your arms.
    Variant: every five minutes perform a sprint of 30 seconds to one minute, depending on personal ability.
  • Jump with a rope to the rope, at times with both feet and at times jumping twice on each foot.
    Variant: Increase speed and cross arms from time to time. Jumping on tiptoe at times.
  • Jump opening arms and legs to the time and touching the palms of the hands above the head.
    Variant: After every four jumps squat and alternately stretch your legs forward (like the Cossacks) and your arms up and back.


  • 4 to 6 points. The physical condition is poor. The first thing to do is to move more in everyday life: take the stairs instead of taking the elevators, get off the bus one stop earlier… You have to convince yourself that physical exercise is not something that has been invented for others.
  • 7 to 10 points. Fitness is not good but it is a good starting point. In a very short time, you can appreciate the benefits of performing some physical activity regularly.
  • 11 to 14 points. The body responds. Surely you already have correct habits and you just have to maintain them. Tests can point out weaknesses that should be worked on.
  • 15 to 17 points. The physical condition is very good. As in the previous case, the goal is to maintain or achieve even better results in each of the tests.
  • 18 to 20 points. It is a result worthy of an athlete. The goal is to maintain this level and not take a step back.


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